Ariane Cole is an artist , videographer , university professor and researcher at the Design course at the University Mackenzie , Brazil . Doctor , teacher and graduate of the School of Architecture and Urbanism , University of São Paulo .
She began studying very young , the School of Arts Brazil : in 1971 with Carlos Fajardo , Luiz Paulo Baravelli , Jose Resende and Frederico Nasser . Arranges with Arthur Cole in the 80 Free Drawing Course with participation of Dudi Maia Rosa , José Carlos Ferreira ( Ox ) , Guto Lacaz , Gabriel Borba and others . Search and adopts guidance Evandro Carlos Jardim since 1984 . Since 1994 and currently works in painting with the theme of landscape . He is currently developing a series entitled Landscape in time , where the search numerous configurations that can take a single landscape , searching for chromatic and compositional relationships .